SISu reference panel

SISu v3 consists of 3,775 WGS of Finnish individuals from six research cohorts:

  1. METSIM (PIs Markku Laakso and Mike Boehnke)

  2. FINRISK (PI Pekka Jousilahti)

  3. Health2000 (PI Seppo Koskinen)

  4. Finnish Migraine Family Study (PI Aarno Palotie)

  5. Merck/Tienari samples (PI Pentti Tienari)

  6. MESTA samples (PI Jaana Suvisaari)

High-coverage (25-30x) WGS data used to develop the SISu v3 reference panel were generated at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard and at the McDonnell Genome Institute at Washington University; and jointly processed at the Broad Institute.

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