SISu reference panel

SISu v4.0 consists of 8,554 WGS of Finnish individuals from 5 research cohorts from:

  1. METSIM (PIs Markku Laakso and Mike Boehnke)

  2. FINRISK (PI Pekka Jousilahti)

  3. Corogene (PI Juha Sinisalo)

  4. Biobank of Eastern Finland (PI Arto Mannermaa)

  5. Finnish EUFAM Dyslipidemia Study (PIs Marja-Riitta Taskinen and Samuli Ripatti)

High-coverage (25x) WGS data used to develop the SISu v4.0 reference panel were generated at the McDonnell Genome Institute at Washington University (PIs Ira Hall and Nathan Stitziel).

Last updated