Please use the following description when referring to our project:
The FinnGen study is a large-scale genomics initiative that has analyzed over 500,000 Finnish biobank samples and correlated genetic variation with health data to understand disease mechanisms and predispositions. The project is a collaboration between research organisations and biobanks within Finland and international industry partners.
When using these results in publications, please remember to:
Acknowledge the FinnGen study. You can use the following text:
“We want to acknowledge the participants and investigators of the FinnGen study”
Cite our latest publication:
Kurki M.I., et al. FinnGen provides genetic insights from a well-phenotyped isolated population. Nature 2023 Jan;613(7944):508-518. doi: 10.1038/s41586-022-05473-8. Epub 2023 Jan 18.
Furthermore, if possible, include "FinnGen" as a keyword for your publication.
If you want to cite this website, use the following citation: