Data description

File naming pattern and file structure

Summary association statistics

GWAS summary statistics (tab-delimited, bgzipped, genome build 38, tabix index files included) are named as {endpoint}.gz. For example, endpoint I9_CHD has I9_CHD.gz and I9_CHD.gz.tbi.

To learn more about the methods used, see section GWAS.

The {endpoint}.gz have the following structure:

Fine-mapping results

Two fine-mapping methods were used:

Fine-mapping results are tab-delimited and bgzipped.

SuSiE results have the following filename pattern:

  • {endpoint}.SUSIE.cred.bgz

  • {endpoint}.SUSIE.snp.bgz

FINEMAP results have the following filename pattern:

  • {endpoint}.FINEMAP.region.bgz

  • {endpoint}.FINEMAP.snp.bgz

  • {endpoint}.FINEMAP.cred.bgz

To learn more about the methods used, see section fine-mapping.

SuSiE output files {endpoint}.SUSIE.snp.bgz have the following structure:

LD estimation

Linkage disequilibrium (LD) was estimated from SISU v3 for each chromosome. Use the tool LDstore (v1.1) for further usage of the bcor files.

ldstore --bcor FG_LD_chr1.bcor --incl-range 20000000-50000000 --table output_file_name.table

To learn more about the methods used, see section LD estimation.

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