What is "red" or "green" data?

In FinnGen parlance, there are only two types of data: "red" and "green" (no yellow, blue, or orange).

Red data is personal data, i.e. data that pertain to a single, identifiable person (or to a small, identifiable group of persons), while green data is non-personal accumulated data or general summary statistics. Being personal and generally sensitive, red data is subject to major legal restrictions mandated by the GDPR and Findata regulations and is subject to change as these regulations change.

Access to red data (or "red access" for short) is granted to researchers only after a strict approval process that takes usually about 1,5 months. Green data is available to all FinnGen partners or in some cases even the general public, and only requires the creation of a FinnGen account to browse. Green data can be made available in less than a week usually.

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