Data Releases 2021
27 December 2021
Finngen R8 service sector detailed data
These data files contain:
Information about service sector, specialty and contact type from the Hilmo inpatient and outpatient register, and primary health care register
Information about drug reimbursement costs from the kela drug purchase register.
Data and documentation location in Sandbox:
Detailed paths to library red data from catalog:
20 December 2021
FinnGen R8 vaccination register data (version 2.0)
The data contains vaccination data of 316 551 FinnGen participants.
Data and documentation location in Sandbox:
Detailed paths to library red data from catalog:
20 December 2021
infectious disease register data (corona, version 3.0)
The data contains 7058 (cumulative number) corona virus positive FinnGen participants.
Data and documentation location in Sandbox:
Detailed paths to library red data from catalog:
20 December 2021
Lists of significant coding variant associations for all analyzed endpoints in FinnGen R8
Data in the green library:
Data location in Google cloud: gs://finngen-production-library-green/finngen_R8/finngen_R8_analysis_data/summary_stats/coding_variants/
Data location in Sabox: /finngen/library-green/finngen_R8/finngen_R8_analysis_data/summary_stats/coding_variants/
Documentation in the green library:
Data location in Google cloud: gs://finngen-production-library-green/finngen_R8/finngen_R8_analysis_data/summary_stats/coding_variants/README
Data location in Sabox: /finngen/library-green/finngen_R8/finngen_R8_analysis_data/summary_stats/coding_variants/README
17 December 2021
FinnGen R8 chip data (version 1.0)
Data and documentation location in Sandbox:
Detailed paths to library red data from catalog:
29 November 2021
FinnGen release 8 and UKBB meta-analysis results
Data in green library:
Data location in Google cloud: gs://finngen-production-library-green/finngen_R8/finngen_R8_analysis_data/ukbb_meta/
Data location in Sabox: /finngen/library-green/finngen_R8/finngen_R8_analysis_data/ukbb_meta/
Documentation in green library:
Data location in Google cloud: gs://finngen-production-library-green/finngen_R8/finngen_R8_analysis_data/ukbb_meta/readme
Data location in Sabox: /finngen/library-green/finngen_R8/finngen_R8_analysis_data/ukbb_meta/readme
26 November 2021
SISuv4 LDstore correlation (BCOR) files
Data in green library:
Data location in Google cloud: gs://finngen-production-library-green/imputation_panel/v4/LD/
Data location in Sabox: /finngen/library-green/imputation_panel/v4/LD/
Documentation in green library:
Data location in Google cloud: gs://finngen-production-library-green/imputation_panel/v4/LD/
Data location in Sabox: /finngen/library-green/imputation_panel/v4/LD/
24 November 2021
FinnGen R8 parental causes of death data (version 1.0)
A description for this data can be found in Other registry data files.
Number of unique FINNGENIDs: 262 248
Data and documentation location in Sandbox:
Detailed paths to library red data from catalog:
23 November 2021
FinnGen R8 visual impairment data (version 1.0)
This data contains information from the Finnish Register of Visual impairment. Data description can be found in Other registry data files.
Number of unique FINNGENIDs: 2401
Data and documentation location in Sandbox:
Detailed paths to library red data from catalog:
15 November 2021
R8 core analyses:
FinnGen R8 GWAS analysis data
Updated version of regenie
These files contain the summary statistics for R8 core endpoints as well as manhattan plot images
Data in green library:
FinnGen R8 Fine-mapping analysis data
These files contain the finemapping results for R8 core endpoints, performed using SUSIE and FINEMAP
Data in green library:
Documentation in green library:
FinnGen R8 Autoreporting data
These files contain the autoreporting summaries created from finemapping & GWAS summary statistic data
Data in green library:
Documentation in green library:
FinnGen R8 Colocalization data
Colocalization between FinnGen SUSIE fine-mapping and multiple other resources
Data and documentation in green library:
This data is also available for browsing in Pheweb:
15 November 2021
The covariates and endpoints used in R8 core analyses.
R8_COV_PHENO_V4_1.txt.gz and R8_COV_PHENO_V4_1.FID.txt.gz contain the same data with different IDs
Data location in Sandbox:
15 November 2021
Finngen R8 cluster plot data
These data files contain genotype intensities per variant for a subset of samples that are used in cluster plots (released in the green library).
Data and documentation location in Sandbox:
See the detailed path of this data from manifest:
4 November 2021
FinnGen R8 PRS data
Data and documentation location in Sandbox:
Detailed paths to library red data from catalog:
25 October 2021
FinnGen R8 kidney disease register data
Data and documentation location in Sandbox:
Detailed paths to library red data from catalog:
20 October 2021
GRM, bgen chunks, and analysis covariates for custom analyses
Data and documentation locations in Sandbox:
13 October 2021
FinnGen R8 phenotype data (version 4.0)
This data has been created with an updated version of Endpointter and new definition files. These changes corrected the controls of some endpoints.
Data and documentation location in Sandbox:
Detailed paths to library red data from catalog:
7 October 2021
tsv file mapping alleles between SISuv3 and SISuv4 panel released to green library
The file is available in both v3 and v4 panel subfolders (the file is identical in both locations)
Location in v3 panel subfolders
in Google cloud: gs://finngen-production-library-green/imputation_panel/v3/annotation/map_v3_v4_alleles_v2.tsv
in Sandbox: /finngen/library-green/imputation_panel/v3/annotation/map_v3_v4_alleles_v2.tsv
Location in v4 panel subfolders
in Google cloud: gs://finngen-production-library-green/imputation_panel/v4/annotation/map_v3_v4_alleles_v2.tsv
in Sandbox: /finngen/library-green/imputation_panel/v4/annotation/map_v3_v4_alleles_v2.tsv
7 October 2021 (edit: Aug 2024 - meta-analysis results with Estonian biobank are no longer available)
The meta-analysis results between FinnGen (release 7), UKBB and Estonia Biobank for 50 phenotypes have been released in the green library:
Data location in Google cloud: gs://finngen-production-library-green/finngen_R7/finngen_R7_analysis_data/ukbb_estbb_meta/
Data location in Sandbox: /finngen/library-green/finngen_R7/finngen_R7_analysis_data/ukbb_estbb_meta/
The results include summary statistics from meta-analysis (including leave-one-out results) and autoreporting results. Please see the readme for more information:
Readme location in Google cloud: gs://finngen-production-library-green/finngen_R7/finngen_R7_analysis_data/ukbb_estbb_meta/
Readme location in Sandbox: /finngen/library-green/finngen_R7/finngen_R7_analysis_data/ukbb_estbb_meta/
6 October 2021
Finnish nationwide breast and cervical cancer screening data (cancer_screening_1.0) and
Detailed version of Finnish cancer register data (cancer_detailed_1.0)
Data and documentation location in Sandbox:
Detailed paths to library red data from catalog:
4 October 2021
FinnGen R8 imputed STR data (version 1.0)
Data and documentation location in Sandbox:
Detailed paths to library red data from catalog:
30 September 2021
FinnGen R8 infectious disease register corona data (version 2.0)
Data contains 5372 (cumulative number) corona virus positive FinnGen participants
Data and documentation location in Sandbox:
Detailed paths to library red data from catalog:
29 September 2021
FinnGen R8 vaccination register data (version 1.0)
Vaccination data of 249 066 FinnGen participants
Data and documentation location in Sandbox:
Detailed paths to library red data from catalog:
23 September 2021
FinnGen R8 reproductive history data (version 1.0)
Reproductive history of 151 109 FinnGen mother participants
The data combines information from population register (DVV) (since 1953) and medical birth register (since 1987).
Data and documentation location in Sandbox:
Detailed paths to library red data from catalog:
22 September 2021
FinnGen R8 phenotype 3.0 data
Created using an updated version of Endpointter.
Years 2020 and 2021 added to Hilmo registers (preliminary information).
Data and documentation location in Sandbox:
6 September 2021
Finngen R8 genotype plink conversion data (version 1.0) and
PCA-kinship data (version 1.0)
Data and documentations location in Sandbox:
R8 genotype plink data and documentation: /finngen/library-red/finngen_R8/genotype_plink_1.0/
R8 PCA data and documentation:/finngen/library-red/finngen_R8/pca_1.0/
R8 prune data and documentation:/finngen/library-red/finngen_R8/prune_1.0/
R8 kinship data and documentation: /finngen/library-red/finngen_R8/kinship_1.0
6 September 2021
FinnGen R8 detailed longitudinal phenotype data
Data location in Sandbox: /finngen/library-red/finngen_R8/phenotype_2.0
New: codes with <5 cases have not been removed from this data
30 August 2021
FinnGen R8 infectious disease register corona (version 1.0) data
This data contains 4808 (cumulative number) corona virus positive FinnGen participant
Data location in Sandbox: /finngen/library-red/finngen_R8/infectious_disease_register_corona_1.0/
27 August 2021
FinnGen release 8 genotype and phenotype data
Finngen R8 data was imputed using SISuV4 reference panel that contains 8,554 high coverage [25x] WGS Finnish individuals.
The current data statistics are: Number of individuals with genotypes = 356 213
Number of individuals with endpoints = 356 077 Number of imputed variants = 20 175 454 Number of endpoints = 4228
Genotypes Data & Documentation location in Sandbox: /finngen/library-red/finngen_R8/genotype_1.0/
Phenotypes Data & Documentation location in Sandbox: /finngen/library-red/finngen_R8/phenotype_2.0/ (note that phenotype_1.0 was an internal release only)
See the detailed paths to library red data from catalog: /finngen/library-red/finngen_R8/catalog/catalog.txt
29 June 2021
FinnGen R6 mosaic chromosomal alteration (version 1.0)
Data location in Sandbox: /finngen/library-red/finngen_R6/mca_1.0/
22 June 2021
FinnGen R7 Colocalization
Data location in Google cloud: gs://finngen-production-library-green/finngen_R7/finngen_R7_analysis_data/colocalization/
Data location in Sabox: /finngen/library-green/finngen_R7/finngen_R7_analysis_data/colocalization/
22 June 2021
FinnGen R7 Autoreporting
Data location in Google cloud: gs://finngen-production-library-green/finngen_R7/finngen_R7_analysis_data/autoreporting/
Data location in Sabox: /finngen/library-green/finngen_R7/finngen_R7_analysis_data/autoreporting/
22 June 2021
FinnGen R7 finemapping results
Data location in Google cloud: gs://finngen-production-library-green/finngen_R7/finngen_R7_analysis_data/finemap/
Data location in Sandbox: /finngen/library-green/finngen_R7/finngen_R7_analysis_data/finemap/
3 June 2021
FinnGen R7 infectious disease register corona (version 4.0)
This data contains 3496 (cumulative number) corona virus positive FinnGen participants
Data location in Sandbox: /finngen/library-red/finngen_R7/infectious_disease_register_corona_4.0/
10 May 2021
FinnGen R7 infectious disease register corona (version 3.0)
This data contains 3356 (cumulative number) corona virus positive FinnGen participants.
Data location in Sandbox: /finngen/library-red/finngen_R7/infectious_disease_register_corona_3.0/
3 May 2021
FinnGen R7 kidney disease register data (version 1.0)
Data location in Sandbox: /finngen/library-red/finngen_R7/kidney_disease_register_1.0
30 April 2021
FinnGen R7 detailed cancer data (version 1.0)
Data location in Sandbox: /finngen/library-red/finngen_R7/cancer_detailed_1.0/
29 April 2021
FinnGen R7 parental endpoint data (version 2.0)
Data locationin Sandbox: /finngen/library-red/finngen_R7/parental_endpoint_2.0
27 April 2021
FinnGen R7 prs data (version 1.0)
Data location in Sandbox: /finngen/library-red/finngen_R7/prs_1.0/
27 April 2021
FinnGen R7 parental endpoint data (version 1.0)
Data locationin Sandbox: /finngen/library-red/finngen_R7/parental_endpoint_1.0
26 April 2021
FinnGen R7 GRM data (version 1.0)
Data location in Sandbox: /finngen/library-red/finngen_R7/grm_1.0
20 April 2021
FinnGen R7 cov_pheno and cov data (version 1.0)
Data location in Sandbox: /finngen/library-red/finngen_R7/phenotype_4.0/
20 April 2021
Finngen R7 Chip data
In addition to the normal release dataset, it also includes high-quality filtered merged data.
Data location in Sandbox: /finngen/library-red/finngen_R7/chipd_1.0/
9 April 2021
FinnGen R7 corona data (version 2.0)
This data contains 2983 (cumulative number) corona virus positive FinnGen participants.
Data location in Sandbox: /finngen/library-red/finngen_R7/infectious_disease_register_corona_2.0/
30 March 2021
FinnGen R7 vaccination register data (version 1.0)
The data contains vaccination data of 201 707 FinnGen participants
Data location in Sandbox: /finngen/library-red/finngen_R7/vaccination_register_1.0/
21 March 2021
FinnGen R7 phenotype data (version 4.0) to Sandbox
Number of endpoints: 4137 Number of FinnGen IDs: 321 302. Updated control definition file and made & AND rule and NEVT bug fixes to Endpointter
Data location in Sandbox: /finngen/library-red/finngen_R7/phenotype_4.0
12 March 2021
FinnGen R7 reproductive history data (version 1.0)
The data contains reproductive history of 137 713 FinnGen mother participants. The data combines information from population register (DVV) (since 1953) and Medical birth register (since 1987).
Data location in Sandbox: /finngen/library-red/finngen_R7/birth_and_dvv_register_1.0
12 March 2021
FinnGen R7 phenotype data (version 3.0)
We have used updated endpoint and control definition files and made a few bug fixes to Endpointter. We have also filtered out some negative ages that were present in the previous first event file. Number of endpoints: 4137 Number of FinnGen IDs: 321 302
Data location in Sandbox: /finngen/library-red/finngen_R7/phenotype_3.0
9 March 2021
FinnGen infectious disease register data (corona, version 1.0) released to Sandbox.
This data consists of 2560 (cumulative number) corona virus positive FinnGen participants.
Data location in Sandbox: /finngen/library-red/finngen_R7/infectious_disease_register_corona_1.0/
5 March 2021
FinnGen visual impairment register data released to Sandbox.
Data location in Sandbox: /finngen/library-red/finngen_R7/visual_impairment_register_1.0
2 March 2021
FinnGen parental causes of death data released to Sandbox
Data location in Sandbox: /finngen/library-red/finngen_R7/parental_causes_of_death_1.0/
2 March 2021
Finngen R7 bgen data
Data location in Sandbox: /finngen/library-red/finngen_R7/bgen_2.0/
26 February 2021
Finnish nationwide breast and cervical cancer screening
Data location in Sandbox: /finngen/library-red/finngen_R7/cancer_screening_1.0
24 February 2021
Finngen R7 bgen data
Data location in Sandbox: /finngen/library-red/finngen_R7/bgen_1.0/
23 February 2021
Plink converted DF7 genotypes
Data location in Sandbox: /finngen/library-red/finngen_R7/genotype_plink_2.0
19 February 2021
DF7 phenotypes
Statistics for genotype_2.0 and phenotype_2.0 are: Number of endpoints: 4 145 Number of FinnGen IDs in phenotype data: 321 302 Number of FinnGen IDs in genotype data: 321 464
Data location in Sandbox: /finngen/library-red/finngen_R7/phenotype_2.0
5 February 2021
FinnGen R6 corona data (version 7.0)
This data contains 1515 (cumulative number) corona virus positive FinnGen participants.
Data location in Sandbox: /finngen/library-red/finngen_R6/corona_7.0/
12 January 2021
FinnGen R6 corona data (version 6.0)
Data location in Sandbox: /finngen/library-red/finngen_R6/corona_6.0/
Last updated
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