Containers with user customized tool sets

The recommended workflow to run packages conflicting with other packages in the current IVM setup is to wrap them into a Docker image. Then you can send the docker file or its link to the service desk ( and our cloud administrator will compile it and add it to the sandbox container repository. From there the user can pull the image and use it inside IVM.

The protocol

  1. The Sandbox user defines the docker file containing the application and its dependencies. Only public tools are allowed so that the system admin can compile the image. All dependencies (scripts and tools) should be retrievable from public resources. The image file should be compatible with docker framework.

  2. User sends a link to this docker file to service desk ( Only the Docker file is needed, not the Docker image. If the docker file depends on another public image then the docker file of this dependency should be also provided.

  3. System admin compiles the image from the docker file and pushes it to the sandbox container repository.

  4. System admin announces the image in the sandbox-all email channel.

  5. Sandbox users can pull the image into IVM and launch containers using standard docker commands.

An example of a Docker file for basic Saige.

Last updated

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