How to get a new Docker image to Sandbox
Docker containers enable you to roll up all the files and other dependencies needed to run an application/tool in a separate system isolated from all other processes on your computer. A container image refers to a file system holding these necessary folders and files.
To learn more about Docker visit Docker get started page and see Docker tutorial video.
If you want to run a tool in your sandbox that might require the installation and assembly of many files, then we offer you the option to import and run it as a Docker container.
To access Docker, open Terminal Emulator from the Application dropdown menu at Sandbox desktop. To see all Docker commands and options available, type
To see options for pull command
To pull an image or a repository from a registry
An example:
To list Docker images
Assign a name (here "tools") to the container and run Docker container in background (-d option) keeping STDIN open (-i option) and allocating a pseudo-TTY (-t option)
To list containers those are running
To stop container
To list stopped containers
To start the run again
To attach local standard input, output and error streams to a running container image
returns (if nothing seems to happen press enter again):
List folders in the container
You can enter a folder typing cd folder_name e.g.
To go back to the upper folder
Check that plink is runnable within the image:
To exit from the image
List stopped containers
Remove container
Check that container is removed
Remove the image
Last updated
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