Data Releases 2023
21 December 2023
NordDRG extension added to FinnGen DF12 service sector data
08 December 2023
FinnGen EA3 ovarian cancer gene test data
07 December 2023
Updates to some FinnGen EA5 cell painting files (FGIDs-TubeIDs-Donor-IDs files)
FinnGen DF12 mca 1.1
Data & documentation: /finngen/library-red/finngen_R12/mca_1.1/
30 November 2023
FinnGen DF12 Coding variant association results including CHIP EWAS
Data: gs://finngen-production-library-green/finngen_R12/finngen_R12_analysis_data/coding
Documentation: gs://finngen-production-library-green/finngen_R12/finngen_R12_analysis_data/coding/ Results also available in pheweb browser:
23 November 2023 FinnGen DF12 LOF results:
gs://finngen-production-library-green/finngen_R12/finngen_R12_analysis_data/lof/ 15 November 2023
FinnGen DF12 colocalization results data: gs://finngen-production-library-green/finngen_R12/finngen_R12_analysis_data/colocalization/ documentation: green/finngen_R12/finngen_R12_analysis_documentation/ gs://finngen-production-library-green/finngen_R12/finngen_R12_analysis_documentation/finngen_R12_colocalization.pdf
15 November 2023
FinnGen DF12 malformation register (version 1.0)
15 November 2023 FinnGen DF12 PRS results: gs://finngen-production-library-red/finngen_R12/prs_1.0 14 November 2023 FinnGen DF12 conditional analysis and genetic correlation results: gs://finngen-production-library-green/finngen_R12/finngen_R12_analysis_data/genetic_correlation/ gs://finngen-production-library-green/finngen_R12/finngen_R12_analysis_data/conditional_analysis/
08 November 2023
FinnGen DF12 HLA association analysis results
documentation: gs://finngen-production-library-green/finngen_R12/finngen_R12_analysis_documentation/ gs://finngen-production-library-green/finngen_R12/finngen_R12_analysis_documentation/finngen_R12_hla_analysis.pdf
06 November 2023
FinnGen DF12 socioeconomic data (version 1.0) released to SES Sandbox
For this release we have fixed some leading 0's that were previously missing.
03 November 2023
FinnGen R12 autoreporting & finemapping results
finemapping data: /finngen/library-green/finngen_R12/finngen_R12_analysis_data/finemap
autoreporting data: /finngen/library-green/finngen_R12/finngen_R12_analysis_data/autoreporting
documentation: /finngen/library-green/finngen_R12/finngen_R12_analysis_documentation/
02 November 2023
FinnGen EA3 FLD biopsy data
data: /finngen/library-red/EA3_FLD_3.0/data/EA3_FLD_biopsy_3.0.txt
documentation: /finngen/library-red/EA3_FLD_3.0/EA3_FLD_biopsy_readme_3.0.txt
31 October 2023
FinnGen R12 hla data
FinnGen R12 meta-analysis results
The data and documentation location in the Sandbox
FinnGen + UKBB + EstBB meta-analysis (400 binary and 7 progression endpoints):
FinnGen + UKBB meta-analysis (856 binary and 10 progression endpoints):
26 October 2023
FinnGen DF12 GWAS data
data: gs://finngen-production-library-green/finngen_R12/finngen_R12_analysis_data/summary_stats
documentation: gs://finngen-production-library-green/finngen_R12/finngen_R12_analysis_documentation/
pheweb link:
24 October 2023
FinnGen DF12 detailed cancer data (version 1.0)
FinnGen DF12 cancer screening data (version 1.0)
Finnish nationwide breast and cervical cancer screening data
20 October 2023
FinnGen DF12 kidney disease register data (version 1.0)
In addition to the previously released file we have now added treatment history, incidence and prevalence files
13 October 2023
FinnGen DF12 visual impairment register data (version 1.0)
11 October 2023
Data and analysis from the third batch of Olink data combined with the previous batches, bringing the total number of processed samples with Olink to 1,990 (library-red/EA5/proteomics/olink)
pQTL, finemapping and colocalization data is available as flat files in green library (gs://finngen-production-library-green/omics/proteomics/release_2023_10_11/)
The colocalization data is also loaded into finngen pheweb browser (e.g. for a specific gene [scroll to bottom] or for a signal ).
Somascan batches 1 and 2 was re-analyzed with harmonized pipeline and utilizing r12 genotypes (includes more samples in analysis n=924). Data can be found in respective locations (library-red/EA5/proteomics/soma/second_batchv2/) and analysis results in green libdrary (gs://finngen-production-library-green/omics/proteomics/release_2023_10_11/)
9 October 2023
FinnGen DF12 imputed genotype data (version 2.0)
FinnGen DF12 plink data (version 2.0)
FinnGen DF12 bgen data (version 2.0)
FinnGen DF12 truncated endpoint file (version 1.0)
Additional notes
FinnGen DF12 genotype data (version 1.0) has been deleted
Please see /finngen/library-red/finngen_R12/genotype_1.0/DELETED.README
6 October 2023
FinnGen EA5 single-cell multiome data
28 September 2023
FinnGen EA3 women's health data - endometriosis
25 September 2023
FinnGen EA3 cancer data - breast, prostate and ovarian
FinnGen EA3 women's health data - PCOS and cervical dysplasia
FinnGen DF12 reproductive history data (version 2.0)
Empty strings in version 1.0 have been replaced with NA
22 September 2023
FinnGen DF12 vaccination register data (version 1.0)
21 September 2023
FinnGen DF12 kinship data (version 1.0)
FinnGen DF12 pca data (version 1.0)
18 September 2023
FinnGen DF12 imputed genotype data (version 1.0)
FinnGen DF12 phenotype data (version 1.0)
FinnGen DF12 analysis covariates
FinnGen DF12 service sector data (version 1.0)
FinnGen DF12 reproductive history data (version 1.0)
8 August 2023
Data and analysis from the second batch of Olink data (n=813) and combined with the first, bringing the total number of processed samples with Olink to 1,534.
After QC and id mapping the number of individuals is 1,243.
Raw proteomics data of batch2 and combined batch1+2 available in Sandbox
pQTL summary stats and finemapping for batch 1+2 combined available in the green libary:
Colocalization of olink batch1+2 to FinnGen traits available here:
reprocessed SomaScan data from the previous 2 batches to use harmonized with Olink batch 1+2 QC and analysis:
Raw data:
Analysis pqtl and finemap:
7 July 2023
FinnGen DF11 Blood donor data from the Finnish Red Cross Blood Service is renamed from "FHRB_blood_donor_data_1.0" to "FRCBS_blood_donor_data_1.0"
Data & documentation location in the Sandbox: /finngen/library-red/finngen_R11/FRCBS_blood_donor_data_1.0/
21 July 2023
FinnGen EA3 immune-mediated diseases files (version 1.0) released to Sandbox.
The data and documentation location in the Sandbox:
22 June 2023
FinnGen Release 11 coding variant association results and documentation
The data and documentation location in the Green Library
22 June 2023
FinnGen Release 11 meta-analysis results
The data and documentation location in the Sandbox
FinnGen + UKBB + EstBB meta-analysis (247 endpoints):
FinnGen + UKBB meta-analysis (762 endpoints):
2 June 2023
FinnGen EA3 diabetes and rare kidney diseases data (version 2.0)
The data and documentation location in the Sandbox /finngen/library-red/EA3_DIAB_2.0/
The EA3 data usage is restricted to the EA3 projects. See Diabetes/RKD project documentation from the Members Area.
22 May 2023
FinnGen R11 parental causes of death and parental endpoints data(version 1.0)
The data and documentation location in the Sandbox
Detailed paths to library red data from catalog:
19 May 2023
FinnGen R11 HLA analysis results
The data and documentation location in the green library:
15 May 2023
FinnGen Release 11 heritability and genetic correlation analysis outputs
The data and documentation location in the green library:
9 May 2023
FinnGen Release 11 GWAS, finemapping, conditional analysis, colocalization and autoreporting data
The data and documentation location in the green library:
Conditional analysis:
Documentation available at:
28 April 2023
FinnGen DF11 dental data (version 1.0)
This data is from the primary outpatient register and includes information for instance on missing and decayed teeth. A Handbook page describing this new data will be added by the end of May.
The data and documentation location in Sandbox:
Detailed paths to library red data from catalog:
27 April 2023
FinnGen DF11 visual impairment register data (version 1.0)
The data and documentation location in Sandbox:
Detailed paths to library red data from catalog:
27 April 2023
FinnGen DF11 kidney disease register data (version 1.0)
The data and documentation location in Sandbox:
Detailed paths to library red data from catalog:
25 April 2023
The data and documentation location in Sandbox:
Detailed paths to library red data from catalog:
13 April 2023
FinnGen R11 PRS data (version 1.0)
The data and documentation location in Sandbox:
Detailed paths to library red data from catalog:
3 April 2023
FinnGen R11 truncated endpoint data (version 1.0)
Small adjustments compared to the earlier version:
Follow-up date 31st December 2020 is used in the file that is also the end of follow-up in death register
FU_END_AGEs of the individuals have been re-calculated using the updated follow-up end date.
The data and documentation location in Sandbox:
Detailed paths to library red data from catalog:
27 March 2023
FinnGen DF11 Genetic relationship matrix and bgen files
The data location in Sandbox red library:
24 March 2023
FinnGen DF11 cancer screening data
The breast cancer screening file contains data of 159 099 FinnGen participants
The cervix cancer screening file contains data of 230 411 FinnGen participants
The data and documentation location in Sandbox:
Detailed paths to library red data from catalog:
23 March 2023
FinnGen DF11 genotype data (in plink format)
The data and documentation location in Sandbox:
Detailed paths to library red data from catalog:
23 March 2023
The data and documentation location in Sandbox:
Detailed paths to library red data from catalog:
23 March 2023
DF11 detailed cancer data (version 1.0)
The detailed version of Finnish cancer registry file contains data of 111383 FinnGen participants.
The data and documentation location in Sandbox
Detailed paths to library red data from catalog:
17 March 2023
FinnGen DF11 vaccination register data
Vaccination data of 427 570 FinnGen participants
Data is described in Finnish National Vaccination Registry
The data and documentation location in Sandbox:
Detailed paths to library red data from catalog:
15 March 2023
pQTL analysis and finemapping results
828 and 619 samples from SomaLogic and Olink respectively samples
Data location in the green library:
Colocalization between pQTLs and all genome wide significant hits in R10 .
Data location in the green library:
The results are browsable in FinnGen browser (e.g., scroll down for colocalization table)
14 March 2023
FinnGen R11 HLA genotype data
The data contains the genotype files and the dosage files from which the genotype files were produced.
Data location in Sandbox:
Readme file location in Sandbox:
3 March 2023
FinnGen DF11 reproductive history data
Data is described in the Reproductive history data
Data and documentation location in Sandbox:
Detailed paths to library red data from catalog:
28 February 2023 (edit: Aug 2024 - meta-analysis results with Estonian biobank are no longer available)
FinnGen release 10 meta-analyses with Estonia biobank and UKBB
For more information, see Meta-analyses
Updated to a total of 248 endpoints
Data location in the Green Library:
Meta-analysis browser has been updated with the latest results:
28 February 2023
FinnGen R11 mca (mosaic chromosomal alterations) data(version 1.0) released to Sandbox.
Data and documentation location in Sandbox:
Detailed paths to library red data from catalog:
27 February 2023
FinnGen EA3 diabetes and rare kidney diseases v 1.0 data released to Sandbox.
Laboratory measurements for diabetes and rare kidney diseases.
Number of individuals = 16 922
Data have been collected from Auria Biobank, Borealis Biobank, Central Finland Biobank and Helsinki Biobank.
EA3 data is to be used only as stated in the respective EA3 study plan and need an accepted Analysis proposal as in all FinnGen studies.
The EA3 data usage is restricted to the EA3 projects. See Diabetes/RKD project documentation from the Members Area.
Data and documentation location in Sandbox:
27 February 2023
Finngen R11 cluster plot data
These data files contain genotype intensities per variant for a subset of samples that are used in cluster plots (released in the green library).
Data and documentation location in Sandbox:
Detailed paths to library red data from manifest:
22 February 2023
FinnGen DF11 malformation registry data
Data is described in The Register of Congenital Malformations
Data and documentation location in Sandbox:
Detailed paths to library red data from catalog:
22 February 2023
FinnGen DF11 service sector data
Data is described in Service Sector Data
Data and documentation location in Sandbox:
Figure. Upset plot showing number of shared individuals in R11 phenotype files.
14 February 2023
Finngen R11 data was imputed using SISuV4.2 reference panel that contains 8,554 high coverage [25x] WGS Finnish individuals.
The current data statistics are:
Number of individuals with genotypes = 473,681
Number of individuals with endpoints = 429 209
Number of imputed variants = 21 311 942
Number of endpoints = 4 519
Data and documentation location in Sandbox:
Genotypes in VCF format & Documentation:
Phenotypes & Documentation:
Detailed paths to library red data from catalog:
31 January 2023
Proteomics data from SomaScan
The data contains 243 FinnGen samples. Combined with the data from the first SomaScan batch of 628 QC passing samples, the total SomaScan sample size after QC is 854.
See readme.txt provided within each directory. We provide original data received as is and one with basic QC done as specified in the readme files. Consult the providers (documentation in original_data/ folder) for details of the assays and data processing.
Data location in the Sandbox red library:
31 January 2023
FinnGen R10 mca data (version 1.0)
Data and documentation location in the Sandbox red library:
Detailed paths to library red data from the catalog:
30 January 2023
FinnGen R10 mca data (version 1.0)
The data and documentation locations in the Sandbox red library:
See detailed paths to library red data from catalog:
18 January 2023
FinnGen EA6 COG data (version 1.0)
EA6 Cognitive Decline in Prodromal Alzheimer's (COG) pilot data released to Sandbox.
The data and documentation locations in the Sandbox Red Library
18 January 2023
SISuv4.2 LDstore correlation (BCOR) files
The data location in the Green Library:
More details in readme file:
Last updated
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