Proteomics results
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Colocalization between pQTLs and all genome wide significant hits in releases:
Data location in the green library:
The results are browsable in FinnGen browser (e.g. for a region [scroll down for colocalization table] or for a gene [scroll down for pqtls and colocs])
Compiled summary stats and fine-mapping results for proteomics QTL (See below for data locations) in imputed SNPs on FINNGEN. Two platforms are included, Olink and SomaScan. The association results are from PLINK2 and in unrelated samples only. Due to different sample sizes, the SNP sets are not the same between those two datasets.
CHR: chromosome for variants
POS: BP of the variant
REF: reference allele provided in FINNGEN imputed data
ALT: alternative allele, this is the effect allele (aka. A1, effect allele, A0 in some software)
ALT_FREQ: allele frequency of the alternative allele
BETA: effect size in additive model
SE: standard error of the effect size T_STAT: t statistics from PLINK2
P: p-value in association test N: per- SNP sample size for the SNP
File: probe_map.tsv
Olink: geneName is the gene symbol which is also the probe name in Olink, other columns are chr (chromosome), start and end of the gene from Gencode V43
Somascan: AptName is the probe name in Somascan, other columns are geneName (gene symbol), start and end of the gene from Gencode V43
Assocation: PLINK2 v2.00a3.3LM AVX2 Intel (3 Jun 2022)
Finemap: FINNGEN/finemapping-pipeline, revised on R10, hash e0792ea
Autoreporting: FINNGEN/autoreporting, revised on hash 9dbea66