Reordering timelines with TVT

The reordering option eases the detection of patterns by grouping similar cases.

In addition to the default (Original) ordering, four vertical reordering options are available.

Reordering options

  • Clusters

Clusters reorders the timelines according to how similar their event structures are.

  • Event count

The event counts option reorders the timelines according to the number of events.

  • Path length

Path length reorders the timelines according to path length i.e. the time from birth to the time when a person exits the cohort.

  • Age

The age option reorders the timelines according to age. Original order is the initial order data is read from Atlas or from a file.

  • Horizontal alignment

The Horizontal alignment offers two reordering methods. The first entry option arranges timelines according to the first event on the timeline and the last entry option according to the last event. When ordering with the first or last entry event option the time from birth to the first cohort entry event is not shown.

Once alignments are selected complete the reordering by selecting Plot settings -> Timeline.

Last updated