FinnGen tool catalog

ToolAccess typeBrief summary

Web, needs FinnGen green account

Browse core GWAS results, conditional analysis, finemapping, colocs

Meta-analysis Pheweb [UKBB] [EST-UKBB]

Web, needs FinnGen green account

Browse GWAS results for FG/UKBB and FG/UKBB/EST

Web, needs FinnGen green account

Browse GWAS results for user-defined phenotypes

Web, needs FinnGen green account

Addititive and recessive phenotype associations for rare and common coding variants

Web, needs FinnGen green account

Tool to annotate lead variants with phenotype associations, eQTLs, pQTLs and splice QTLs

Web, no account required

Core endpoint definitions and relationships between endpoints

Web, no account required

Tool to understand the relationships between FinnGen core endpoints

Web, no account required

Align and browse 2–20 GWAS scans

Web, no account required

Display PheWAS for a variant as lava plot


Sandbox/TRE (red access)

OHDSI/OMOP tool to define cohorts and concept sets

Cohort Operations

Sandbox/TRE (red access)

Tools to work with lists of cohorts as FinnGen IDs


Sandbox/TRE (red access)

View the health history of an invidual

TVT (Patient Trajectories)

Sandbox/TRE (red access)

View a cohort of individuals health trajectories

Genotype Browser

Sandbox/TRE (red access)

View, edit and export genotype data


Sandbox/TRE (red access)

GUI to assist users running custom GWAS


Sandbox/TRE (red access)

GUI to help with running Regenie, Finemapping, GATE, etc.

PGS Browser

Sandbox/TRE (red access)

View polygenic scores for existing endpoints or a custom cohort

GitHub approval

Repository of code for FinnGen analyses


GitHub approval required?

Repository of code for OHDIS ETL and accessing FinnGen CDM

Last updated