Data Release Summary Statistics in Atlas

The Atlas Data Sources option allows you to create FinnGen data release-level descriptive summary statistics.

Example: Drug exposure statistics

  • Choose the Data Sources option from the left menu

  • Select the FinnGen data release from the first drop-down menu (we have selected the FinnGen data release 9 below)

  • Select Drug Exposure from the second drop-down menu

Treemap display

By default, the summary statistics are shown using a Treemap.

In our example:

  • the boxes represent different drugs

  • the box size shows the prevalence of the drug

  • the box color shows the number of records per person (a darker color means more records)

Hovering the mouse above a box gives details about the drug it represents.

Table display

  • To see the information in a table format click the Table tab

The table will show the drug names, ingredients, person counts, prevalence, and records per person:

  • You can use the Filter field to search the drugs by name

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