Filtering by demographic criteria in Atlas

First check that Atlas is reading from the vocabulary matching the data freeze of your choice.

Building cohorts filtered by demographic criteria like age and gender is easy in Atlas after considering a few settings. To set demographic criteria in Atlas first set the Cohort Entry Events. Check that the initial events are limited to all events. By default, it is set to the earliest event but especially if filtered by age it is important that the first step in the filtering allows detection of all ages. Then in the Inclusion Criteria section select +add criteria to group

Select Add Demographic

Then click + add attribute and select the demographic criteria of your choice.

Selecting Add Age Criteria will open a box where you can set an age limit. From the drop-down menu, select a suitable filtering option.

Selecting Add Gender Criteria will open the following window. Select Add.

Event start date and end date can be set by selecting from + add attribute by selecting Add Event Start Date Criteria and Add Event End Date Criteria and setting dates to the appearing boxes.

Exploring your new cohort with tools designed for the purpose is highly recommended before moving to downstream analysis like GWAS.

For further instructions see General workflows for the most common analyses, Cohort Characterizations in Atlas, Cohort Operations tool, Trajectory Visualization tool, and Custom GWAS tool.

Custom GWAS can also be launched using the Cohort Operations tool.

Last updated