Viewing TVT results

Timeline viewer

After extracting Data sources and Concept sets, the trajectory visualizations appear to the viewer.

  • Glyph segments

On the top of the page, six glyph segments are shown in default or user-defined colors with a number of cases (C) and a number of events (N) given.

  • Solid Line

In the grid area trajectories for persons are shown one person in each line. A solid line indicates the time period when the person is included in the cohort.

  • Dashed Line

A dashed line starting at birth indicates the time before a person is included in the cohort.

  • Red and blue lines

Red and blue lines indicate females and males, respectively.

  • Bars

Conditions selected for glyph segments are shown as bars on each line. The height of the bar is proportional to the number of simultaneous or nearby events.

To change the page of the timeline viewer drag or tap the sliding bar at the bottom left. To tease out patterns in the data, try different filtering and rearranging options described above.

Example: The dashed lines indicating path length prior to the first event can be filtered out to show only the period when persons are included in the cohort.

Select a page to view

The timeline trajectories are usually spread over several pages. You may select the page to view from the Page bar

Plot Settings

The output of the Timeline viewer can be controlled from the plot settings menu. FinnGen IDs, plot grid, frame, glyphs, absolute values, legend, and monthly timeline can be taped on and off from the Plot settings menu. The height of the glyph segment bars can be adjusted from the Glyph height sliding bar.


Clicking any of the lines zooms into that person's trajectory. Sex and age at the time entering and exiting the cohort are given at top of the page. Registers (Detailed longitudinal data) are shown on the left (here primary care PRIM_OUT and hospital OUTPAT/OPER_OUT and INPAT/OPER_IN).

Events of diagnoses and medical purchases are given on a timeline. Each event is shown in a different color enabling quick perception of repeating events. To go back to the timeline view click the Timeline -button on left.

Overview plots of the data

Overview of the timeline data are available from the Overview button on left. Overview plots show glyph segments by Number of entries by glyph sector (at the top) and by Number of cases per year (at the bottom). The number of entries by the source registers is shown in the middle.

Upset plot

Upset plot is available from the Upset -button at the right. The upset plot shows the number of persons in glyph segments (bars on left) and the number of persons having combinations of the variables stored in glyph segments (bars on the top right). On the grid area (at the bottom right) combinations of glyph segments are shown. For example, the third bar at the top right shows 126 persons having both glyph segments 5 and 6 conditions (Asthma and Sleep apnea). Similarly the sixth bar show 29 persons with glyph segments 3 and 5 conditions (Chronic rhinitis and Asthma).

See also a tutorial video about TVT available from FinnGen data users meeting 22nd Feb 2022 recording at 38min 09sec.

Last updated