Monitoring Sandbox costs by Sandbox billing report

Invoices issued by FIMM/University of Helsinki

For those Sandboxes whose costs are handled through invoices issued by FIMM/University of Helsinki, cost monitoring happens by using the Sandbox billing report that shows the Sandbox usage cost breakdown based on the Google Cloud services utilized (such as storage and computing resources) as well as the Sandbox user-specific computation costs.

How to access the billing report

This report can be accessed by the Sandbox contact person(s) in the FinnGen members' area under Tools, which you can access after logging in with your account.

The report can only be accessed by your Sandbox contact person and each contact person can see only the report associated with their own Sandbox.

How to use the report

When you click the link to the Billing report, a table showing the cost breakdown is displayed:

How to filter and sort the results

How to filter

This report can be filtered by Sandbox User and/or Invoice Month by clicking the drop-down arrow (shown in a red circle in the first screenshot below) and then selecting the ONLY link next to the person or month you are interested in.

How to sort

By default, the tables are sorted in descending order by Total Costs, but they can be sorted by any other field by clicking on the table headers, with each click reversing the sort order (i.e., from descending to ascending and vice versa).

How to export

The report can be exported either by right clicking on each of the tables (i.e. the monthly total costs and monthly user-specific compute costs), or by clicking on the three dots menu at the top of the table and then selecting Export.

Last updated