Kanta prescriptions
Kanta prescription data file was introduced in Data Release 12. It contains data about prescriptions in Kanta.
Sandbox directory
Kanta prescriptions data file is available as a separate file in the following Sandbox directory:
Data files
This data is available in the following file:
The file contains the following columns:
Age at the time of event
Approximated document creation date. Randomized (within +/- 15 days)
Unique identifier of the document, unique for each line of the document. Delivered encrypted on a per-document basis.
The identifier is the same as the unique identifier (CDA_ID) of the document in the related prescription on the basis of which the prescription was issued. When a prescription related to a medical prescription is to be found, the CDA_ID of the prescription corresponding to the DOC_GROUP of the medical prescription shall be searched. To be provided encrypted on a per-document basis.
Document type, Prescription=1, Cancellation of prescription=2, Correction of prescription=3
The version number indicates the sequential number for the different versions of the document. The original prescription document is assigned version number 1 and, for example, a prescription correction based on this document is assigned version number 2.
Prescribed quantity, number of packages for prescription type 1
Prescribed quantity, package size in text format for prescription type 1
Prescribed quantity, total quantity of medicine for prescription type 2
Prescribed quantity, unit of packaging size for prescription type 2
The time for which the medicine is prescribed for prescription type 3
Unit in which the time is indicated for recipe type 3
ATC code of the medicine. The ATC classification is the international classification of medicines maintained by the WHO. In Finland, the classification is maintained by Fimea. When selecting or classifying drug purchases based on the ATC code, any changes in the ATC classification must be taken into account.
Code for the type of preparation 1 Medicinal product with marketing authorisation 2 Basic cream in the pharmaceutical database 3 Clinical nutritional product in the pharmaceutical database 4 Provisionally authorised product 5 Registered medicinal product in the pharmaceutical database 6 Non-registered product 7 Medicinal product prepared in a pharmacy 8 Investigational medicinal product 9 Medicinal product prescribed under the name of an active substance 10 Therapeutic goods 11 Specially authorised medicinal product for a specific patient 12 Product prescribed abroad
The Vnr number, or Nordic product number, is a six-digit code that identifies the pharmaceutical packaging of medicinal products authorised for sale.
Prescription status: indicates whether the medicine needs a prescription to be supplied, i.e. whether the medicine is a prescription medicine or not. No=0, Yes=1
Code associated with a specific pharmaceutical form
Name of the drug. The prescription may contain either the trade name or the name of the active substance.
Drug strength
A prescription has a prescription renewal ban. No=0, Yes=1
The prescription contains a prohibition to exchange the medicine for another interchangeable medicine. No=0, Yes=1
Dose dispensing, i.e. the prescription has a specific agreed schedule and finished doses for the prescribed medicine attached to it by the pharmacy. 1 = Dose dispensing and 0 = no dose dispensing.
Encrypted unique identifier generated from the OID of the organization
Specialty/qualification code of the prescriber
About TYPEs: There are three ways a physician can describe the amount of a medicine in Finland (actually 4 but the fourth is so rare so that is ignored in this dataset) 1: Number and size of packages. Here, the physician is specific about what kind of package she wishes to be delivered, for example 3 items of a package with 28 pills in a package. Here, the total amount would be 3x28 = 84 pills. 2: Total amount of drug. Here, the physician just writes “300” or “24” and that tells the amount. 3: Time limit for the drug to be distributed. The amount then depends on the daily dose and the time. Time can be anything from 1 day to 2 years. The amount for example for a pill taken three times a day and the time one year would be 3 x 365 = 1095 pills. NB! More important is what an individual has bought! One might have a huge prescription like 600mg ibuprofein three times a day for two years which would result in 2190 pills on the prescription but he might take out only like 30 (or nothing). That is a very common phenomena for drugs that are not in regular, daily use.
Last updated
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