Ejection fraction data

Ejection fraction pilot was performed to investigate the potential of mining additional clinical data from biobanks to refine heart failure endpoints in FinnGen. Data consists of longitudinal cardiac ejection fraction, natriuretic peptides (pro-BNP) and creatinine measurements of heart failure patients.

The data was mined from the electronic health care reports of from two hospital biobanks – Auria and Helsinki. Ejection fraction measurements were obtained from 44,679, nt-proBNP from 9,690 and creatinine from 42,038 FinnGen study subjects. The data establishes more refined disease subgrouping, as health registers are restricted only to diagnosis codes.

This pilot serves as a basis for FinnGen2 Expansion Area 3 projects that aim to obtain selected clinical data variables to supplement the health register data in selected disease groups.

Heart failure pilot data is in DF6. Data is available in Sandbox library-red under Release 6: /finngen/library-red/finngen_R6/ejection_fraction_1.0/

Heart failure pilot was presented in F2F Meeting April 2020.

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