EA3 study: Age-related macular degeneration study and data in Sandbox

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Sandbox directory

The data is available in the /finngen/library-red/ Sandbox directory.

Latest version

Longitudinal format:


Previous versions

Original wide format:


Helsinki longitudinal BCB format:


Study description

Aim: The age-related macular degeneration (AMD) deep phenotyping study aims to capture information on wet AMD patients receiving anti-VEGF injections, and to collect clinical data relevant for assessing treatment responses and disease progression (visual acuity, retinal biomarkers). Wet AMD was selected as an EA3 study trait as anti-VEGF injections cannot be accurately extracted from the health registry data and because the current registry data doesn’t provide information on evaluation of treatment responses and disease progression. This study aims to provide more accurate disease progression information on wet AMD patients in real world data settings.

Methods: Data was captured from five hospital biobanks: Auria, Helsinki, Tampere, Borealis and Eastern Finland. Data mining was performed by local clinicians who went through each wet AMD patient’s hospital record and collected relevant information from there. Data was collected in a yearly format, meaning that not all data from each visit was collected, but the annual status of each clinical data type was collected (visual acuity, number of anti-VEGF injections, retinal thickness from the OTC imaging). From Helsinki biobank, a so called BCB data was also retrieved. This data contains longitudinal information from each visit and can be used for more detailed analysis. Original data was in wide format, but it has been updated to longitudinal format which is more accessible for analyses.

Data: The AMD data has been placed in the Sandbox and is available for analysis. AMD samples are from DF10 and the data has been collected from 5/6 hospital biobanks.

Summary of the data (Oct 2023):

Last updated

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