Data Release Summary Statistics in Atlas
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The Atlas Data Sources option allows you to create FinnGen data release-level descriptive summary statistics.
Choose the Data Sources option from the left menu
Select the FinnGen data release from the first drop-down menu (we have selected the FinnGen data release 9 below)
Select Drug Exposure from the second drop-down menu
By default, the summary statistics are shown using a Treemap.
In our example:
the boxes represent different drugs
the box size shows the prevalence of the drug
the box color shows the number of records per person (a darker color means more records)
Hovering the mouse above a box gives details about the drug it represents.
To see the information in a table format click the Table tab
The table will show the drug names, ingredients, person counts, prevalence, and records per person:
You can use the Filter field to search the drugs by name