Trajectory Visualization Tool (TVT)

The Trajectory Visualization Tool (TVT) is a glyph-based visualization tool for health trajectories.

TVT is designed to:

  • understand how health register data changes over time

  • visualize large numbers of longitudinal cases

  • facilitate the understanding of cohorts and concept sets created with Atlas (or with any other tool) when provided as a list of FinnGen IDs

Glyphs in TVT

TVT uses a six-segment glyph to show the trajectories of six variables. A glyph in TVT is a bar plot of six variables for each person in the cohort with time on the x-axis. All event dates are randomized to have +/- 1 to 15 days, due to privacy regulations.

Instructions and tutorials

A tutorial video about TVT available from FinnGen data users meeting 22nd Feb 2022 recording at 38min 09sec. See also an Example workflow for survival time/endpoint analysis.

See also a presentation of New FinGen tools and their application to example diseases from User's meeting 28th March 2023 recording (at 25min 23sec) including usage of Trajectory Visualization Tool.

Last updated