Pairwise endpoint genetic correlation format
This pipeline produces a single file, containing all pairwise genetic correlations between multiple phenotypes.
Its name is structured as finngen_R[?]_[EUR/FIN].ldsc.summary.tsv
where EUR/FIN changes based on the LD panel used.
(This refers to genetic correlation, in Risteys you can also see the number of shared cases between endpoints.)
Column name | Description |
p1 | Phenotype 1 |
p2 | Phenotype 2 |
rg | Genetic correlation |
se | Standard error |
z | z-score |
p | pvalue |
h2_obs | heritabilty of p1 |
h2_obs_se | SE of heritability of p1 |
h2_int | heritability intercept for p1 |
h2_int_se | SE of intercept |
gcov_int | intercept of genetic covariance |
gcov_int_se | SE of gcov |
CONVERGED | A flag if the LDSC model converged |
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